Monday, January 31, 2011

Ap Bio Lab 5 Carolina

AAA Animation Workshop Objects with the group again

Object Animation Workshop

The object animation studio is a space where participants experience and transform matter, objects, discover and give life to his creation, living different experiences, taking challenges at every stage of the process, leading him to confront in this beautiful art.

DURATION: February-March
DAY: Wednesday
HOURS: 6: 00 PM to 8:00 PM
COST: 300 soles (three hundred new soles)
HOME: February 02
Ends: March 16
HEADQUARTERS WORKSHOP: Av Bolognesi 160 Barranco. (One block from the main square)

Phone: 266-5046 / 99912 4234

blog: http://grupodeteatromadero.wordpr

Where Do Patches Go On Biker Vest

Madero "The Wagon, The Puppet" program in February 2011 Tárbol

"The car of the marionettes, was donated space for the puppets and then lost some years ago, is a rail car located in the Miraflores Park Precinct, there every weekend presented puppet shows for family audiences, runs at the box office and was percentage of Municipal Administration, was on the right path had become a pleasant public space that had won, but it was time that the municipal administration of then (can not remember which) saw it as a burden and decided to close because they had no staff to get ticket .. .. could not assign a person, an hour for two days to serve a valuable function necessary to keep alive an art space for the family, well, what can be expected of public officials? ...
Well, not how or why but the fact is that the car returns to the fray and announced billboard for February, schedule here ...


February 2011 Saturday
"Here's Mouse and Escondido
Tilo Crocodile"

deFebrero, 2011 Sunday
"lClean Kausay"

at 4:00 pm

Tickets: Adults
S /. Children Policy
10 S /. 5

in the wagon Puppets
Redoubt Park
Benavides Esq Paseo de Miraflores
Republic (Entrance on Avenue J. Ribeyro)

Here Escondido Mouse ...! Simon
The cake is disappearing chunks. Who took it? A Mouse, Pericote or thief. El Gato find the solution or worsen the situation.

Crocodile Tilo
free version of the work of the same name Tito Guzman. And Mrs. Don Coquito
Chabelita plant a mandarin tree. The evil Sigismund wants them out of his field and own their home. Lead to a crocodile to scare evil. But this baby will learn that things can be achieved. A piece of music Creole background.

lClean Kausay (Color of Life)
Work divided into 4 mounts short. Lead us to the pursuit of lClean Kausay. (Color of Life)
- Charlie and the bear (Pantomime): The entanglement Charlie trying to paint a wall and run into a wild bear.
- La Margarita: A man hates Flores and will do everything to end with a nice Margarita.
- The romance of Filomeno: Filomeno How can conquer leg?
- Adriancito (entertainment on demand): The baby played with the children and make mischief. So find what precious
as close as the palms of our hands. Feel like look?

Creation, Management and Adaptation Raúl Narrea

330-9255 / 996-865010

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Sti Results

Network Awards, prizes for sharing.

Today is a gray and rainy, but nevertheless began the day with a nice gift. From the blog There once , the author tells me he just received a prize: which Blog Award helps me to keep dreaming and share it among others, the blog of Charming Tales.

From here thank you very much; blog I invite you to visit for intimate and delicate for those who love books and fantasy. Thanks!

And as it is about sharing, I too would share it with other blogs, to help me move forward, including:

Travelogue Felix Albo, where we follow very closely the steps of a narrator stories, so close, so close, as if we walked at his side.

The Prussian blue cat, blog of a great designer of children's books for giving color to the dreams of so beautifully.

Neon Piper, an artist of photography, which captures images with extraordinary lens that Mother Nature gives us.

And finally, my dear fellow puppets Marimba, for so long shared dreams and for always being there.

Many thanks to all s.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Untucked Shirt And Vest

Home Theater Call Don Perico

Tárbol puppetry
Juancha and mariachi

Sunday January 30, 2011
4:00 pm.
"House - Teatro Don Perico"
- art space for development -
Calle Gozzoli 728 San Borja Norte
Two and a half blocks of 31 and 32 of the Aviation Avenue
(coming from Javier Prado Aviation, turn left, Higuereta coming from, turn right)

General Admission
S /. 10

Information and reservations:
263-3241 / 997621706

Sobre la Obra :                                                                                                      
mariachi and Juancha are tender Andean peasant couple who live quiet farming their land in harmony with its surroundings, the story begins with scenes of work in the field, preparing the ground sowing and reaping. One day the couple's peace is disturbed because while mariachi cooking ingredients mysteriously disappear from your food, emboldened Juancha decides to take the solution in their hands, leaving aside mariachi, who he says is "scary as all women," and discovers that a mysterious intruder is stealing them, at which flies very scared Juancha mariachi while facing the intruder.
Assembly is a collective creation of puppetry Tárbol group based on the characters of the play "The street of ghosts" by Javier Villafañe, just take the character and the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story, but it changes the role of them and the context in which it develops, is made with glove puppets, mouth articulated rod and rod.
was released in 2010 and has already been presented in Argentina and Bolivia.
Puppet Animation: Maria Laura Velez and Martin Molina.

Wedding Trees Centerpieces

shiver @ s

Company "The House of Puppets" needs to expand its staff and is looking for new puppeteers (as). Stakeholders communicate
mail to:
subject: puppets
Requirement: make puppets seriously.
Director Patricia Rodriguez

Ikusa Otome Suviastream

The Song of Tawny presents "In the shadow of the tree"

The Song of Tawny

the Shade Tree
A refreshing Cabaret Theatre Shadow Puppets and more
A show for the whole family

From February 12 to March 13
Saturday and Sunday 4:00 pm
Cultural Center Ricardo Palma Av
Larco 770 - Miraflores
General: S/.25
Children, students (with ID) and retirees: S/.15
Tickets available at the Cultural Center ticket office itself.
The ticket office is open one hour before the start of the function.

About the show:
A circus like no other, unprecedented never before seen in history, with you: the amazing little Circus of Failure! That is, read it !!!... TRA-TA to take us to the magic of the circus. Enjoy this and other stories
Onstage: Marie-Eve Lefebvre, Helijalder Capristano, Roger Mendez Aguila
artistic creations: Helijalder Capristano F. and Roger Mendez Aguila
poster design: Pepe Cabana Kojachi
General Production: The Song of Carabo
Production Season: Mariana Soria
Mariana Soria Production
777-2779 / 993745272
skype: mariana311078
mariana.soria.c @

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cramps Swollen Breasts

How to make a head with a cast: (Part One).

I have already told how make a head for a puppet or puppet , shaping up a base on a wooden or cork ball, but otherwise I have not yet mentioned: make a plaster cast.

work is quite laborious and somewhat cumbersome, but has the advantage that we can repeat the head as many times as we wish. And exposure is extensive, I have to do in several entries.

First, we must make a stand to allow modeling in comfort, is simply a round wooden stick inserted upright in a block of wood as a support. As you can see the first images.

Once you have prepared, we are ready to start modeling. Although I also recommend to have on hand one or two sticks to model and of course the material with which we work. I have always used clay , but some people prefer the clay.

1. Placed in the top of the stick, a piece of clay or dough in the shape of an egg and head size we want to develop.
2. We started using the thumbs, pressing to make the eye sockets.
3. Then we will add the necessary parts to make the nose, chin, neck, eyebrows, etc..
4. We define the lips, eyes, and the exact shape of the head.

's not often make the ears, as if you wear your hair or hat would be covered, unless it is necessary for characterization.

head -Preparing for the mold:
1. We cover the entire head with a thin layer of Vaseline.
2. We will have at hand and the plaster, a plastic container with cold water and a cardboard box slightly larger than the head that we modeled.
3. Draw a line dividing the head in half: front and rear.

Later, we will begin with the preparation of the plaster and the different ways there are to make molds.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Do I Always Have Stomach Cramps

From Huacho Anatrita in CC Peruvian Japanese Tribute to the Great Amauta

From Huacho

the Rubbish Monster

Sunday of January 2011 4:00 pm

Join Free

in Peruvian-Japanese Cultural Centre Av
Gregorio Escobedo 803 Jesus Maria

About the Work: When
flower district , very clean and fragrant, new neighbors come to live, who have such bad habits as littering and trash on the street, causing serious problems, including the appearance of the monster of the landfill. For 45 minutes
children and adults were shaken and aware, but unlike other children's shows, they are not manipulated to respond in monosyllables traditional
involved children spontaneously "Guilt is the child and his mother by taking out the garbage and do not wash their hands, "he confessed a very disturbed child and raised fists. All because antaritas deliberately provoke conflict situations to open the windows where cool air enters the tenderness, understanding and leave the planet in a better position as we found.
The Antarita, an entire family dedicated to the art Huachana: Mario Herrera Asin is also a playwright, drawer, guitarist and master the dance genres of African descent. Esther Alvarez is the best construction of puppets and Huacho muñecones and Lima who have not been overrun yet. I certify as we were taught to make puppets and also to dance the Son de los Diablos. muñecones also still come first in the parade of Yawar, the constructed Esther wonderful hands. Despite these virtues Mario have ceased at the University of Huacho, things only happen in our país.Con this work the Antarita decades were the first to warn about the dangers of pollution and raise environmental care.
The technical part shows a full show with a beautiful scenery of the village of Las Flores and music placed at key moments to create atmosphere and reading several semantic levels. All tangible and imaginative possibilities to serve the dramatic action with a well-told story, best read and fully understood
Indeed, more than a function puppet master is a class that meets all the requirements of staging a puppet show that synchronized coordination, ease and dexterity. The actual weight disappears handlers to manage a new weight in the service of the dolls. A good relationship with the space and the object. Protein voices give the impression that there are six food handlers. The Antaritas are skilled in playful tune with the sensitivity, identity and imagination of young children and we still have our existing child.

Thomas Temoche

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Know If You Have Lice

José María Arguedas ... Puppets present

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In What Can I Find Germanium

A fabulous puppet film about the myth and love.

The holidays have passed, but it seems that gifts continue to arrive even though we are in mid-January.

I say this because I found on YouTube an extraordinary film made with marionettes that deals with the myth and love. The text is in English, but this does not remove what may be interesting to see some beautiful puppets, I would say are true works of art handled with great skill, with some film sets, never better, and with a history to all appearances seems interesting, yes, a little durum, more for adults than for children.

A I was impressed, I felt as children who watch my shows, that despite being able to manipulate me, living the story as if they were characters in flesh and blood. It was the same feeling, as if they are acting rather than wood, they were real actors.

Again, the pictures are pretty raw, despite being made with puppets, so I recommend viewing for adults only, but yes, I'm sure you will like it as much as me.

By being posted on YouTube , you can only see pieces, but I leave here the link channel the person who has posted: defaultuser71 , where they can see them all, from beginning to end.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Request Letter Telephone Service

The Puppeteer Cuy

With great satisfaction I publish this famous cartoon character Acevedo in a version of our beloved Carlos Baterillero,
strip talks to herself ...
Was taken from "The Daily Cuy"

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Right Mechanic License Ontario

How to move a string puppet. Last

Once past the holidays and Christmas works properly, I'm already engrossed in my work again, which as you know is puppet theater.

On occasion, I have asked about moving a puppet of thread and suddenly, I remembered an interesting work on the art of moving a string puppet , translated by fellow Titerenet and reached them a somewhat mysterious.

is a book entitled Handbook Puppeteers, which translated to English: Puppeteer's Guide. As you may have guessed is in English, consists of 92 typewritten pages (from before) with numerous illustrations made by hand.

, you may find information about the manipulation of marionettes, spreaders and controls, scenery, small theaters, lighting and more.

And the reason for its mystery is: first, because no one knows quite how he got them, and second because it is not the name of any author or authors and thirdly because it has only managed to find out which is exposed within a cabinet in a library, Broward County in Florida (USA).

manipulation of a puppet string, depending on the complexity of it, and its crossbar and although the puppets can be found in Story Shop House are very simple, I want to share with you this Guide Puppeteer of , thanks to the excellent work of translation that made Joseph L. García in Titerenet .

Enjoy! It is a gem.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Get Well Cards Cancer Patients

Friday January 14 from Colombia and Argentina - La Mandragora

Puppet Theatre presents The Mandrake

"Language of Birds"

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Free Entry - Exit with hat

minimum contribution S/5.00

Location: Patio, Afion Artists Association

ICA Jiron Lima 323 - To the side of the Teatro Municipal


A serious danger threatens the forest. Avatsiu invasion, demon of money, has begun capturing the songs of birds to sell in the city and a good price. Community Bird, along with Madremonte try to stop it. Only a human child will find hope.

Yamile Ranzoni, social anthropologist and puppeteer. He studied Social Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires. He has served as workshop leader and facilitator in various activities related to popular education. He has also explored the world of Butoh (Japanese contemporary dance) and has explored the theory social relationship between body art and experience.

Germain David Clavijo, writer and puppeteer. He studied Literary Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has served as a promoter of reading for teachers and children, as a bookseller, and as a cultural promoter, creating and leading a cultural space for youth in his hometown Open House. In late 2007 the National University of Colombia published his first book of poems The afternoon and the mountain-Choice of three books.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pro Touch Straightener Prices

Sunday, January 9 - The Puppet Theatre Workshop

Puppet Theatre presents The Mandrake

"Language of Birds"

Time: 6.00 pm

General Admission: S/1.00

Location: Scenic Area - North Hall "

Villa Cruz Apple Association Q Lot 2 Stone Bridge Take-
routes Lima, Ancon, whereabouts Three Wheels down, past the toll Chillon front of the recreation center Anden-third floor.


A serious danger threatens the forest. Avatsiu invasion, demon of money, has begun capturing the songs of birds to sell in the city and a good price. The Community of the Birds, with Madremonte try to stop it. Only a human child will find hope.

Puppet Theatre The Mandrake are:

Yamile Ranzoni, social anthropologist and puppeteer. He studied Social Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires. He has served workshops and facilitator in various activities related to popular education. He has also explored the world of Butoh (Japanese contemporary dance) and has been investigated from the social theory the relationship between body art and experience. Germain

David Clavijo, writer and puppeteer. He studied Literary Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has served as a promoter of reading for teachers and children, as a bookseller, and as a cultural promoter, creating and leading a cultural space for youth in his hometown Open House. In late 2007 the National University of Colombia published his first book of poems The afternoon and the mountain-Selection three books.