Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In What Can I Find Germanium

A fabulous puppet film about the myth and love.

The holidays have passed, but it seems that gifts continue to arrive even though we are in mid-January.

I say this because I found on YouTube an extraordinary film made with marionettes that deals with the myth and love. The text is in English, but this does not remove what may be interesting to see some beautiful puppets, I would say are true works of art handled with great skill, with some film sets, never better, and with a history to all appearances seems interesting, yes, a little durum, more for adults than for children.

A I was impressed, I felt as children who watch my shows, that despite being able to manipulate me, living the story as if they were characters in flesh and blood. It was the same feeling, as if they are acting rather than wood, they were real actors.

Again, the pictures are pretty raw, despite being made with puppets, so I recommend viewing for adults only, but yes, I'm sure you will like it as much as me.

By being posted on YouTube , you can only see pieces, but I leave here the link channel the person who has posted: defaultuser71 , where they can see them all, from beginning to end.


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