Puppet Theatre presents The Mandrake
"Language of Birds"
Time: 6.00 pm
General Admission: S/1.00
Location: Scenic Area - North Hall "
Villa Cruz Apple Association Q Lot 2 Stone Bridge Take-
routes Lima, Ancon, whereabouts Three Wheels down, past the toll Chillon front of the recreation center Anden-third floor.
A serious danger threatens the forest. Avatsiu invasion, demon of money, has begun capturing the songs of birds to sell in the city and a good price. The Community of the Birds, with Madremonte try to stop it. Only a human child will find hope.
Puppet Theatre The Mandrake are:
Yamile Ranzoni, social anthropologist and puppeteer. He studied Social Anthropology at the University of Buenos Aires. He has served workshops and facilitator in various activities related to popular education. He has also explored the world of Butoh (Japanese contemporary dance) and has been investigated from the social theory the relationship between body art and experience. Germain
David Clavijo, writer and puppeteer. He studied Literary Studies of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He has served as a promoter of reading for teachers and children, as a bookseller, and as a cultural promoter, creating and leading a cultural space for youth in his hometown Open House. In late 2007 the National University of Colombia published his first book of poems The afternoon and the mountain-Selection three books.
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